Promoting the knowledge of excellent dentistry JOIN

About the Royal Odonto-Chirurgical Society of Scotland

Formed in 1867, The Royal Odonto-Chirurgical Society of Scotland, aka the 'Odonto', is believed to be the oldest dental society in Europe, and the longest continuously active in the world.  It was established to 'promote and diffuse knowledge connected with Dental Science and Practice' and still to this day, continues with these aims and objectives.  The Society also serves to provide a means for professional support and networking where like-minded colleagues can come together in a convivial and friendly environment.

It is my honour and privilege to have been elected as President for 2024-2025 and I have arranged an interesting and varied syllabus of lectures for the 2024-2025 Session.

The Society meets on the second Thursday of the month from November to March inclusive at the Symposium Hall, The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, in Hill Square.  Starting at 6.45pm, refreshments are served to allow the opportunity to meet colleagues and friends in a relaxed, informal setting.  The formal part of the evening commences at 7.30pm with a lecture attracting one hour's Contuinuing Professional Development (CPD) for those who wish to count the activity.  A more recent innovation is dinner in a local restaurant after each meeting, to which Members are cordially and warmly invited to attend - a perfect opportunity to socialise with Council Members and the Speaker for the evening.

Steve Bonsor Portrait Photo

The Society is always actively looking at ways to widen interest and involvement for all dentists so please do get in touch if you have any ideas or suggestions for either meeting topics or their format - it is YOUR Society!

The social highlight of the year is the Society's Annual Dinner to be held in The New Club, 86 Princes Street, Edinburgh, on Friday 14 March 2025, hosted by Dr Mark McCutcheon, my successor as President.

I very much look forward to welcoming you to our meetings during the 2024-2025 session where you can be assured of a warm welcome.

Steve Bonsor
President, 2024-2025


Office-Bearers for 2024 - 2025


President: Steve Bonsor
Senior Vice-President: Mark McCutcheon
Junior Vice-President: Donald Thomson
Honorary Secretary: Susan Baines
Honorary Treasurer: Tom Timmons



Past President: Angus Walls
Aoife Crummey
Katharine Dunn
Colin Ritchie
Nirmal Shah
Arvind Sharma
Byran Yip